
Smartphone-Free Childhood in Canada: Take action now!

Children on smartphone

Smartphone-Free Childhood in Canada: Take action now!

Welcome to the Smartphone-Free Childhood Movement in Canada

Hi everyone, Bonjour!

Join the Pledge!
Delay the use of smartphones for your child until 14 years old (without social media) by signing the pledge on Unplugged Canada.

This is urgent—we need to act now to save our children’s childhood. I know many of you are passionate about this topic, so let’s come together to make a difference.

Let’s start a conversation and a movement around one simple idea: Smartphone-Free Childhood. If people in the UK can do it, we can do it here in Canada too—En Français aussi!

Here is an article about what is happening in the UK.

If you’re a parent or an educator and you care about this issue, please join the WhatsApp group (Canada only). If you have time to help get this going, please connect with Jenny from Unplugged Canada (link above)!

For more global insights, check out research done on smartphones worldwide by Jonathan Haidt, based in the US.

Why a Smartphone-Free Childhood?

After reading numerous articles and books, and watching videos inspired by Jonathan Haidt’s newsletter since 2023, I’ve gathered key information to share with you—parents and educators—so you can take steps toward creating a smartphone-free childhood for your kids.

What You Need to Know

Every family and child is unique, with their own needs and circumstances. These guidelines provide direction, not rigid rules.

The Initiative at a Glance

We’re focusing on reducing or delaying smartphone use among children to encourage more traditional childhood experiences—not on screens in general (that’s a whole other topic!).

The Consequences of Screen/Smartphone Use for Kids

  • Delayed Development: Childhood milestones are being postponed.
  • Mental Health Issues: Increased anxiety, depression, and self-harm.
  • Rising Suicides: A concerning trend among young people.
  • Reduced Social Skills: Difficulty building and maintaining relationships.
  • Sleep Deprivation: Poor sleep quality and duration.
  • Addiction: Dependency on screens.
  • Reduced Academic Performance: Lower attention spans and grades.

What Screens Take Away from Our Kids:

  • Free play and risk-taking.
  • Physical activity.
  • Social interactions.
  • Critical thinking.

Practical Tips for Families

  • Turn off screens during meals and outings.
  • Use parental controls wisely.
  • Avoid using screens as pacifiers, babysitters, or tantrum stoppers.
  • Keep bedrooms screen-free, or turn off screens at least 60 minutes before bedtime.
  • Model mindful device use for your kids.

Ideas to Delay or Limit Smartphone Use:

  1. Talk to your child about the consequences of smartphone use.
  2. Share the neuroscience of screens versus play.
  3. Connect with other parents to align rules.
  4. Arrange screen-free playdates and sleepovers weekly.

Resources to Dive Deeper


  • The Anxious Generation by Jonathan Haidt
  • Free-Range Kids by Lenore Skenazy


4 Important Shifts from “The Anxious Generation”

  1. Delay smartphone access until high school (14 years old) and social media until 16.
  2. No phones at school.
  3. Restore play-based childhood activities.
  4. Replace screen time with real-world experiences involving friends and independent activity.

Smartphone-Free Schools in Canada

Join the pledge!
Delay the use of smartphones for your child to 14 years old (without social media) on Unplugged Canada (link at the top of this article).

Recent Developments:

  • British Columbia: Ban on mobile phones in public schools.
  • Alberta: Cellphone use in schools is under review.
  • Ontario: Implementation of a cellphone ban in schools.

Let’s Work Together

Thank you for visiting, and I look forward to hearing from you! Together, we can create a movement for a smartphone-free childhood in Canada.

With kindness,

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