
Mindful Self-Compassion Workshop

Did you ever notice you’re kinder to others than to yourself? Do you give, give, give to others and then burn out? Do you notice criticizing yourself too often?

Self-compassion can help.

Gabor Mate says we can’t have empathy-fatigue or compassion-fatigue. The only reason we burn out is because we don’t give empathy or compassion to ourselves.

“Scientific data shows that self-criticism makes us weaker in the face of failure, more emotional, and less likely to assimilate lessons from our failures. Studies are finding that there is a far better alternative to self-criticism: self-compassion.”

We all need more love and kindness, so it’s time to learn to receive compassion from ourselves.

Give yourself the love you want when you need it the most.

In a safe and brave space, from the comfort of your home, you will learn:

  • What is empathy vs compassion
  • What is self-compassion
  • 3 Key elements of Mindful Self-Compassion
  • 4 Practices of Self-Compassion

This 2 or 3-hour workshop will go by fast with the discussions, practices, and sharing of experiences. There will be a 10-minute break in the middle of the workshop to move our body.

You will receive a document reviewing what we covered at the end of the workshop and links to the recorded guided meditation we will practice during the workshop so you can keep practicing.

The content of this workshop is based on the course “Mindful Self-Compassion” by Kristin Neff and Christopher Germer.

Organize a self-compassion workshop for your team!

Ideal for:

Non-for-profits, for:

  • Team building
  • Lunch & Learn
  • Volunteers
  • Employees
  • Clients

Companies, for employees’

  • Team building
  • Lunch & Learn

Workshop with friends

You and your friends are all hypersensitive or caregivers. Offer them the gift of self-care.


About this workshop:

“All we need is love and self-love is even better!”

“Laure has not only inspired me during this workshop, but has taught me more valuable lessons than I’ve received in therapy sessions during my journey to healing from trauma. Self-compassion is not self-indulgence with external and material things, but rather it is offering yourself warmth and understanding rather than judgment.”

“Thank you Laure for giving me the opportunity to assist to your workshop, it was well organized and easy to follow. I really liked the exercises also. I didn’t know how much I needed this workshop until it was complete. It also came at the perfect time when I was trying to make others happy instead of thinking about myself and my own self care.” ~ MK

“I was hesitant to participate. But I said to myself “oh no I have no self-compassion, I won’t.” I’ve been doing therapy for 15 years, because I lack [self-compassion] so much. And I don’t regret it at all, it helped me a lot. I almost want to say that in 2 hours, it’s not that it helped me more than in 15 years of therapy, it’s not nice for therapists (LOL), but it has done a lot, so thank you.”

“I found this workshop just excellent and very inspiring.”

About Laure Sabini:

“Thank you for your vulnerability, Laure. It helps us to be more vulnerable as well, and to accept our emotions.”

“The authenticity and kindness of the speaker was a real plus.”

“Laure knows her stuff and she has a voice that is really soothing.” ~ Louise Turgeon

Laure teaching mindfulness to children

Laure Sabini

Laure is from France and now lives in Vancouver Canada since 2006. Her healing journey led her to try many modalities including mindfulness and self-compassion. She now teaches mindfulness to children and teens, and offer a few workshops to adults.

Our clients